In 2021, Rainbow Literary asked author Lee Winter for her top ten* picks for the best Devil Wears Prada fan fiction. Lee adores DWP lesbian fiction, and used to write fan fiction for the “Mirandy” pairing. Alas, that list has been taken down now, so it’s republished here for all who missed it.

* Lee can’t count to ten. Clearly.

© TM and 2006 Twentieth Century Fox. All rights reserved.
Andy Sachs and her boss Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada.

What is Devil Wears Prada fan fiction all about? Or, rather, who? Lee Winter reveals all…

Icy mercurial fashion-mag boss meets idealistic journalist who becomes her assistant.

The Devil Wears Prada sapphic fandom burst into life the moment Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) raked cool blue eyes over Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaway) post-fashion makeover, then stared as Andy sashayed her shapely ass out of her office.

The chemistry-rich source material was dripping in popular tropes—ice queen, age-gap, enemies to lovers, office romance. So much so, many a DWP fan fic has inspired a popular novel. (*coughs* Speaking from experience.)

But even now, fifteen years after the movie, and eighteen years after the book’s release, the fandom is still powering on with prolific writing and superb talent.

To write this top ten list, I asked readers in DWP fan groups for their favorite fan fics, and then read their picks—all 120 of the readers’ best of the best.

From this smorgasbord of fics, I came to know how Andy always makes great breakfast pancakes, how often Miranda smirks, how frequently Andy can always tell Miranda’s twins apart, that Andy swears a LOT after she becomes a journalist, and that First Assistant Emily loves Serena in the Beauty Department rather often.

I narrowed down my short list using the criteria that the fan fiction had to be freely available in fan fic form (not just a book), have a great plot, quality writing, creativity, originality, emotional impact, and credibility (relating to journalism—my pet peeve is writers getting it badly wrong).

By the time I was done, it became impossible to choose just ten, so I’ve recommended a few other brilliant fics too good to miss in each category.




 1 SIMPLY THE BEST: A tie between Truth and Measure and The Lily and The Crown, by Telanu

Truth and Measure

The Lily and The Crown

I just can’t separate these two amazing fan fics. I refuse! The readers’ choice is hands down Truth and Measure, which has won polls of best-ever fan fiction across all fandoms for #wlw readers. (It’s also now a two-book series under Telanu’s author name, Roslyn Sinclair.) It’s a brilliant, deliciously long slow-burn about Miranda going through an unexpected, late-in-life pregnancy and realizing her assistant is the only one to whom she can turn. It’s rich, sexy, plot-driven, and addictive (do not make any plans once you’ve started reading). No wonder fans adore it.

But my favorite lesfic, of any book or fan fic, is The Lily and the Crown. This sci-fi AU is about Andy, a cloistered horticulturalist on a space station, and the strangely charismatic, dangerous slave, “Assistant”, who’s been sent to live with her. It has the most heart-stopping angst in the middle that left me gasping. The book version is even better, if that’s possible; but in every incarnation, The Lily and the Crown is magnificent.


2 MOST BEAUTIFUL WRITING: The Land Fathoms series, by Chain of Clovers

Chain of Clovers is one of the most talented writers, penning descriptions of such beauty they make me jealous and gasp and want to re-read everything she’s ever written all over again. Her stories are real; there’s no fluff or perfection or easiness. Land Fathoms is a contemplative, raw look at fear; Miranda being painfully aware the young assistant she loves is all wrong for her, and pulling away to protect them both. It’s told over three stories, and the deep sense of rightness in part three is worth it all. Sumptuous…and for language lovers.

While You’re There:

For Charity, by Sweet Division: For a delightful, humor-laden, witty diversion, try this rare story which has Miranda as the pursuer.

Hidden Yet Bright, by Needled_Ink_1975: With a sparseness and snappiness of writing style comes this short, sharp, and shiny treat:


3 MOST CHARMING STORY: Small Favors, by Chilly_Flame

Miranda and Andy exchange gifts after Andy leaves Runway. This is a sweetly written, light and bright falling-in-love story that feels like hot chocolate and warm pajamas on a rainy day. Part of its charm is just hanging out at home with Miranda and her twins. Huge re-readability factor, too.

While You’re There:

Miranda’s Runway, by jehc:  A high-fluff, wonderful tale about Andy’s adorable little girl who charms the Prada heels off a stunned and besotted Miranda.

Cats? Really? by jehc: Miranda keeps committing reporter Andy to writing articles for obscure magazines. Enigmatic Miranda reeling off circulations figures is fabulous and funny; so is Andy’s utter confusion over it.

 4 MOST CAPTIVATING OUTSIDE THE OFFICE: Art of Survival, by Wastedon

I love this fic to the moon and back. Plane crash survivors Andy and Miranda have to survive on a deserted island, battling hunger, injuries, sharks, and…feelings. Told in a quirky, wry, diary style from Andy’s POV, there’s charm, humor, and frustration over her walled-up boss. I adored this story so much that I even wrote my own epilogue/companion piece to it (Somewhere Progressive).

While You’re There:

On A Tractor, by BearBlue. Every time I read the feel-good story of reporter Andy taking over a family farm then getting an unlikely visit from her ex-boss, I think: ‘This would make a fabulous book’. It so would.

The Diamond Eye, by Chilly_Flame. Also on the topic of stories that’d make great books is this Western AU about saloon boss Miranda and her newest hire, wide-eyed Andy from Boston. Sizzling chemistry.


5 BEST MELTING THE ICE QUEEN: Disarming Athena, by politic x

Andy and Miranda start a strange little *something* after they get stuck in a lift together. There’s push and pull and feeling each other’s clothes, and Andy’s not sure what to make of any of it. Does Miranda even care for her at all? Is this just a game? And then there’s the greatest line in DWP fanfic history: “Do you know what it’s like,” Miranda finally said. “To fall in love with Andrea Sachs?” Ach. My heart.

While You’re There:

Nice Girls Don’t, by Telanu: What starts off as Andy giving Miranda a compliment a day, turns into a touch a day. A brush of fingers, then lips. Is it an affair? The rising sexual tension is Off. The. Scale. This is a rare fic that gives Miranda a dark edge.


6 BEST ANGST: Losing Miranda, by Fictorium

This cross between Losing Chase (Helen Mirren) and DWP hits you smack dab in the feels. Miranda is a bitter, injured invalid, recuperating after an accident that’s keeping her from running her fashion magazine empire. Andy is the carefree assistant hired by Miranda’s husband to help her. The women clash and bitch and fight and flirt and it’s everything you’d want in a delicious, well-written drama. But it’s by Fictorium; say no more.

While You’re There:

The Other Woman, by McKay Undercover Miranda loves Andy, Miranda pushes Andy away because she’s married and they’ll get caught…and the cycle repeats. It’s terribly tormented and torrid and addictive, not to mention so well written.

7 CAPTIVATING LONG READ: Blissful Insanity, by Zocs

An alternative ending, where Andy stays working for Miranda after Paris, but nothing feels quite the same. Still, Andy’s busy anticipating her boss’s every whim, and gradually, ever so gradually, Miranda is letting Andy in. I really appreciate the gentle unwinding of this love story. Sometimes slow is simply bliss.

While You’re There:

The Delicate Things We Make, by McKay Undercover: In this AU, freelancer Andy is tasked with learning the truth about Miranda, a reclusive artist. Andy is torn between reporting secrets unearthed and protecting the woman. Contains some beautiful, sweet moments.


8 FRIENDS TO LOVERS: Making History (One Saturday At A Time), by The Last Good Name

This is such an unexpected, original, snappy little story. Miranda is secretly a huge football fan. Suddenly she’s expecting Andy to watch games at home with her. Is it a date….or friendship or… what is going on? Cue a farce of cluelessness and mixed messages that’s out there, random, and delightful, with a small blast of angst. Love it—despite having zero US football interest.

While You’re There:

Favorite Things, by Sweet Division: There’s Andy, trying to move on with her life, but Emily keeps calling her for help with Miranda’s special demands. It’s extra charming from the moment Miranda and Andy move on to friendship.

The Wrong Choice, by quiethearted: I’ve lost count how many times I’ve read this. After a rocky start, Miranda and Andy get stuck as friends despite both wanting more. A heart-stopping angsty Miranda meltdown is so worth the admission price.


9 ORIGINALITY BONUS POINTS: Her Rightful Place, by Luthien

This clever little tale unpeels a “Mirandy” love story entirely from the point of view of clueless First Assistant Emily. Paranoid Emily just can’t help jump to a bunch of wrong conclusions as to why the disgraced “smart fat girl” ex-assistant Andy is back in Miranda’s life. Priceless and so astutely in character.

While You’re There:

Flavors for a Future Life, by Chain of Clovers: Speaking of Emily, this is a superbly nuanced Emily/Miranda love story, where Emily needs to learn to eat and Miranda needs to learn new things.

Like Andrea, by GinStan: What happens if ex-assistant Andy picks up a Runway mag one day and realizes every model in it looks like her? A memorable, plot-rich story based on a clever idea, helped by a vulnerable Miranda.

Run Like The Devil, by Redheadgrrl1960: In Paris, Miranda is the one who runs. An affecting, romantic page-turner with a fantastic premise.


10 MOST UNDERRATED GEM: Act Like You Don’t Give a Damn, by variousflumps

An indifferent Miranda and a confused Andy put together the pieces years after Andy has left Runway. Maybe, Miranda isn’t as indifferent as she pretends? What sells this one is a hilarious bidding war on the gifts that Miranda is “allowed” to buy Andy after they’re a couple.

While you’re there:

Her One Wild and Precious Life series, by Awomannotagirl: This four-part series won’t be for everyone, largely due to the sexual kinks (exhibitionism and f/f/m sex). But part four, dealing with the death of Miranda, is special. It’s profound, thought-provoking, and raw. Like or hate it, you will not easily forget this story.

Art, Love and Other Catastrophes, by Pantone: Miranda sees parts of herself in an art exhibition celebrating memories of broken relationships. Her ex-assistant is behind the piece. Unexpectedly moving, with a kick-ass last line.

Pursuing Death, by Charlottepriestly: What a delightful find this fic is. Andrea keeps dying and being sent back to earth by an enigmatic and alluring angel. Original, sweet, amusing. It’s absolutely beautiful.

Lee Winter’s Top Ten Best ‘Devil Wears Prada’ Fan Fiction picks
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3 thoughts on “Lee Winter’s Top Ten Best ‘Devil Wears Prada’ Fan Fiction picks

  • April 26, 2024 at 6:37 am

    This list is absooooolluuuttteeelllyyy awesome tysm!!!!

  • February 16, 2025 at 5:31 am

    I know it’s been a bit since this list was made, but it was an exceptionally delightful find. Thank you!


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